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CONSEC24 Book Hotel Accomodation

Would you like to book accommodation in CONSEC recommended hotel at a reduced rate?

In step 3 of the hotel booking registration process, you'll find a tab labeled "Enter your Consec24 registration number." Please enter only the number itself (e.g., "XXX") without including the prefix "R-" (e.g., "R-XXX").

Have you received e-visa to attend CONSEC24?
Accommodation Requirements
Select one or more hotels of your choice. We will send you an email with the charges for the duration of your stay. Then, you can finalize the reservation upon payment.
Your Preferred Bed Type?
Arrival & Departure Details

Recommended Hotels by the organizers.

Taj Wellington Mews, Tharamani, Chennai; 5-star hotel
Ramada Plaza; 5-star hotel

Note: Shuttle service available from the above listed hotels to the CONSEC24 venue.

For further details:

Ms. Parvathi

+91 98417 94144

Mr. E S Subrahamaniyan

+91 98412 88000